Biomedical Researchers in Lund, Sweden: sign up for our pre-launch waitlist
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Zero complexities.
Just results.

The leading Smart Microscopy solution for Biomedical Research.

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4293 microscopy hours saved

By Researchers. For Researchers.

Think big

Cytely unshackles the lab from the complexities and costs of microscopy. Put in the sample, press play and gain world-class data, immediately.

Trust your data

No more human bias; Cytely generates reproducible objective data you can trust.

Move the needle

Don’t be held back by technical constraints. Cytely gives you world-class, quantitative and objective data from your samples, every time.

Maximum insights.
Minimum friction.

Our peers who are used to flow cytometry will be familiar with the quantitative approach Cytely provides as a method to gain an understanding of the population wide context

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As researchers we want to maximize insights while minimizing technical effort. That’s why Cytely provides important segmentation pipelines out-of-the-box.

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You are no longer bound to the microscopy lab. Cytely takes control of your microscope so you can focus on scientific findings.

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Data Driven Microscopy.
The next big thing.

Here is the truth; as researchers we depend on microscopy for contextual, high-fidelity data. This has been true since the 1600s.

However, microscopy has also always been plagued by requiring years of training, massive manual effort and a high risk for introducing human bias.

Cytely Data-Driven Microscopy solves that problem.

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By Researchers.
Get up and running fast.

As Researchers, we know the inherent hurdles connected to microscopy. Even just the training and effort involved is measured in years before any significant results can be achieved.

And with Cytely? Get up and running in hours, with far better results than what the status quo can provide.

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On autopilot.

Your cell-based assay contains any number of cells, often in the hundreds of thousands. Manual acquisition is simply not feasible or at least wise.

Cytely’s automated pipelines gives you a quantified view of the sample’s entire population while still allowing you to analyse qualitatively each individual cell if you so would like. It is the best of both worlds.

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Supported and financed by

Sample scanning

How many hours have you spent trying to find a needle in the haystack in your samples? Hours of scanning, looking, hoping.

DDM does an automated scan of the sample according to your research question. The scan gives you both the quantitative data from your sample as well as the ability to tie high-resolution contextual imaging to the population wide sample.

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Targeted acquisition

Once the sample has been scanned by DDM you now have the sample quantified and can explore the data as per your wish. Having the quantified data also allows for targeting specific objects based on objective data parameters available in your data set.

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Pipelines for your research

Our peers who are used to flow cytometry will be familiar with the quantitative approach Cytely provides as a method to gain an understanding of the population wide context.

Pipelines do all the heavy lifting for you.

In case a pipeline does not fit your case perfectly we either adjust it for you or, in case you like tinkering, the platform enables you to make configuration changes.

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Frequently asked

You put the sample in, we do the rest. Our pipelines will segment, classify and capture videos and images of interesting objects and events... automatically

Will Cytely's DDM be compatible with my microscope?

Our software is completely hardware agnostic and can be run from any system. If you are using a system we previously have not used DDM on, we will ensure and demonstrate compatibility.

I have very complicated samples and analyses. Will my set up work with Cytely?

Cytely can handle a diverse range of sample types and have many analyses pipelines available. If there are any doubts about sample and analyses compatibility, we always demonstrate that the needed functionality is available for your workflows.

I like to have total insight in my analyses processes and I also want to build and fine-tune my own segmentation pipelines.

Transparency is a lead word for Cytely, and total insight in what happens to your data is an important part of this. Therefor, all steps in the segmentation and analysis are always available for inspection.

I have a lot of old images that are just too much pain to analyze manually. Can I upload already acquired images to the Cytely platform?

Yes, that is an option that is available. Uploading old images allows you to run quick and robust analyses on the platform, but Cytely's ability to direct the experiment live is of course only available when we are getting image data directly from the microscope.

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